
B E R N A R D  &  F E R N  S C H W A R T Z  H O U S E  


F R A N K  L L O Y D  W R I G H T  A R C H I T E C T  

Experience the Beauty of Winter at Still Bend...... March stays dicounted 30%


Experience the Beauty of Winter at Still Bend...... March stays dicounted 30% 〰️

As seen on Netflix

Featured on Season 2. Episode 1 of

The World’s Most Amazing Vacation Rentals

Experience living in Frank Lloyd Wright’s

LIFE Magazine Dream House


Touring Still Bend is a great way to learn more about the house and experience a Wright masterpiece firsthand. Have a seat and soak up the ambiance. Explore the rooms and the property. Discover Wright’s vision for how the average American family could enjoy modern living.

Experience living in Wright’s

LIFE Magazine Dream House

“American (I prefer to say Usonian) family life is unlike any other in the world and I think this plan recognizes it for pretty much what it is—a little private club—with special privacies, ultra conveniences and style all the while.” - Frank Lloyd Wright

Still Bend is the built version of Wright’s Life Magazine “Dream House” that he designed in 1938. The house os just under 3,000 square feet and is one of the largest of a series of homes that Wright called Usonian.

Bernard and Fern Schwartz

In 1938 the Schwartz’s wanted to build a home where they could raise their young son, Steven. They subscribed to “Life” magazine and were intrigued by the design Wright had submitted as a “dream house” for a family of moderate income. The Schwartz’s Lived in the house for over Thirty years and the second owners for another thirty.


“The owners of this iconic home have taken great care to preserve and share it. I was transported to quiet tranquility.”

- Jennifer M. via Facebook

“Beautiful, stayed the night and enjoyed a cozy fire playing Uno!”

- Eagon S. via Google

“A delightful & well informed tour. Worth the ride! Appreciate that there are people out there willing to preserve such treasures & allow others to visit.”“

- Laura H. via Facebook